Well, I know one thing for sure, and that’s Resistance and Weight training are superior than long distance cardio for looking good, feeling great and tightening up those bodies 😀
However, what are the best resistance exercises to incorporate into a workout?
In my opinion, the best exercises for fat loss are those that work muscles simultaneously, for example; squats, dead-lifts, bench presses, dips and chin ups. These exercises are also known as the compound Lift where one or more joints move together.
So, compound movements give you the most OUTPUT FOR YOUR BUCK!
Put more simply, these types of exercise movements will get LEAN and feel GREAT
Surely this is better than wasting your time doing:
– Power plate exercises
– Zumba
– Spin classes
– Water Aerobics
The bigger exercises will benefit you the most, so why not try this workout:
A1) Barbell Back Squat x 12-15 reps
A2) Assisted Chin Up x 12 – 15 reps
A3) Deadlift x 12-15 reps
A4) Dumbbell Bench Press x 12-15 reps
Rest 90 seconds and perform 5 rounds
The positive hormonal effect on the body is phenomenal compared to steady state cardio
These exercises will elevate your metabolic rate and if done consistently will add lean muscle to your body
Lean muscle will boost your resting metabolism, so will make it easier for you to succeed your long term goals
The good news is we have a brilliant personal training team here at Dallington Fitness who all have this ethos to training
Our Personal Training team of Marianne, Joe, Darren, Sara and myself are on hand to help you succeed in 2018
Want to find out how good we really are? Grab a Strategy session by emailing info@dallingtonfitness.co.uk and booking one in 🙂