#2 Tuck Jump: Standing with the knees slightly bent, jump up as high as possible and bring the knees in toward the chest while extending the arms straight out. Land with the knees slightly bent and quickly jump again! Repeat 10-15 times or challenge yourself and see how many you can complete in 1 minute!

Bodyweight Exercises #1 Inchworm Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength. Used a warm-up, within a mini circuit or as a finisher at the end of your workout, they’re bound to get the heart racing! Correct Execution: Stand up tall with your legs straight, lower those fingertips to the floor….

Do you avoid pull ups?? Try not to think about pulling yourself up but instead, imagine and believe your pulling your elbows down towards your side, this will make the exercise seem easier trust me… #mindoverbodycontroll For beginners try to use a resistance band or the assisted pull up machine to help reduce your body…

Download the 3/90 Fit Challenge by CLICKING ON THE IMAGES ABOVE Hi everyone, I have created a little gym challenge for you this week, its a test of stamina and strength which I’ve called the 3/90 Fit Challenge. It’s a workout that consists of 3 compound exercise and 30 reps of each in the fastest time possible. Remember…

Well done Joseph Moss for completing the 3/100 Fit Challenge!! Thats 300 rep’s over 3 different exercises; and we smashed it!! 100 x Kettle bell Swings 100 x Single leg pistol squats 100 x Wide grip pull ups! Trust me its a tough one Start small, Think BIG! Remember everyone starts somewhere, so keep the…

Join our C4C Dallington Team and take part in Northampton’s biggest Local Cycle Challenge event, its a great opportunity to support two charities – Cynthia Spencer Hospice, which provides support for people with terminal illness and Kidsaid, which provides support for children who have suffered abuse, bereavement, bullying or family problems. Both charities are a source of…

Another great success story and inspirational lady… Well Done on your marathon run Vilija you defiantly rock girl… hopefully you’re pay us a visit soon 🙂 Beautiful and super talented Vilija from Team Dallington Shark completed her first full marathon today in Helsinki in an amazing 3:57 going from a non runner 18 months ago….

Lower Back pain? Roll those hamstrings! Looser hamstrings won’t just help to cure back pain. They will also improve your overall performance in the gym. What to do: 1.1 Sit on a foam roller with your legs outstretched, and support yourself by placing your hands on the floor behind you. Position yourself so the foam…

BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY – 26TH MAY 2014 – CLUB OPEN FROM 8:00AM – 7:30PM GROUP EXERCISE TIMETABLE: Aaron – Power Spin – 9:30AM – 10:00AM – (FULLY BOOKED) Joe – Circuit Training – 10:00AM – 11:00AM – (SPACES STILL AVAILABLE) Emily – Spin-It-Up – 5:45PM – 6:30PM – (SPACES STILL AVAILABLE)