Dear Members and friends
Due to today’s Coronavirus announcement by the government requesting all gyms to close and it is so with great regret that we will close at the end of business today.
Our intention is to freeze all memberships until further notice as we understand this is going to be a hard time for many of us.
We would like to thank all our members and friends for their kind words of support and offers to continue to pay their memberships.
We assure you that it is our utmost intention to continue paying our staff. The government has announced help for businesses to pay wages and we hope with this and their other earlier announcements we will be able to continue to operate.
Some of you have expressed concerns about all our class instructors. We are reviewing the detail of the governments announcement and we will do our best to support them.
We understand these are very difficult times for everyone and we wish you all the best and hope to see you back at the club soon.
Kindest Regards
The Dallington Fitness Team