🚀 The Watson Prone Laying Leg Curl 🚀
This amazing machine primarily works the hamstrings in the shortened position. During the exercise, when you curl your legs upward, the hamstrings contract and shorten, allowing you to target and engage the muscle effectively. Consequently, this exercise is excellent for focusing on the contraction phase of the hamstring movement, promoting strength and muscle growth in the shortened position.
Setting this machine up can be tricky, so here is a short video to guide you through the process… 1️⃣ First, adjust the heel roller to the desired leg length. 2️⃣ Next, adjust the main arm height to line up with the thigh pad. 3️⃣ Then, adjust the weight stack, remembering to push the red button to release the pin. 4️⃣ After that, lay prone on the machine with your legs positioned under the heel roller and thighs against the thigh pad. 5️⃣ Subsequently, grip the handles for support, take a deep breath, and brace. 6️⃣ Following this, curl your legs upward, bringing your heels towards your bum. 7️⃣ Finally, slowly lower your legs back to the starting position. 8️⃣ Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Additionally, here’s a tip: Maintain control throughout the movement and avoid using momentum to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety.
Experience the benefits of the Watson Prone Laying Leg Curl and enhance your hamstring workout here at @dallingtonfitness, Northampton’s premier gym and fitness center! We have some of the world’s greatest gym equipment, including three different types of isolated hamstring training machines.
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📌 Poyntz Lane, Northampton NN5 7TZ 📞 01604 59 29 29 🌐 www.dallingtonfitness.co.uk
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